Celebrating a Milestone Birthday: 40 Lessons I’ve Learned in My 40 Years!

Ahhh! I’m joining the 40 club! As I hit this milestone 40th birthday, I can’t help but look back on the journey that’s brought me here. It’s not just about turning another year older; it’s about the growth, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped who I am today. From the carefree days of childhood to my early 20s, when life felt full of possibilities (and a bit of the unknown), it’s been quite the adventure.

In my late 20s, I realized that the man of my dreams had been in my life all along—my best friend for four whole years before we started dating. Our picture-perfect wedding was the start of a new chapter. Then came my 30s—a whirlwind of pregnancies, bringing three incredible kids into the world. Now, I’m watching their little faces and personalities blossom into those of big kids, right before my eyes. Each decade has brought its own unique lessons.

I won’t lie—turning 40 feels like a big deal. It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and really appreciate everything I’ve learned along the way. So, in honor of this milestone birthday, I’m sharing 40 lessons on my 40th birthday that I’ve picked up over the years—some serious, some lighthearted, but all deeply meaningful as a mom, a woman, a daughter, a friend, and just a person trying to navigate this beautiful, messy life. Read them below, in no particular order!

Embrace Motherhood and Family

  1. Embrace the Chaos
    Life with kids is messy, loud, and unpredictable. The sooner you embrace the chaos, the more you’ll enjoy the ride. Promise! (With that said, I recently shared some strategies for juggling the after-school activity chaos with ease, check them out!)
  2. Be Present with Your Kids
    When you’re with your kids, be truly with them. Put down the phone, forget the to-do list, and just be in the moment. Is this sometimes hard? Yes. Is it worth it? YES YES YES. By they way, if you’re a toddler mom (or even if you are not), keep these 8 art supplies in your home at all times!
  3. Family Comes First
    At the end of the day, family is what matters most. Prioritize them, love them fiercely, and make memories together. Start here: read this post sharing a month’s worth of simple ways to fill your child’s cup everyday!!
  4. Celebrate the Wins
    No matter how small, celebrate the victories. Made it through a tough day? Celebrate. Survived the week? Celebrate. Have a birthday coming up? Celebrate, no matter the number! I especially subscribe to this after having emergency gallbladder surgery in my 39th year. It was one of the scariest moments of my life and knowing that I made it through, now I want to celebrate everyyyything!!
  5. Create Traditions
    Family traditions, big or small, create lasting memories and a sense of belonging. Start a few that are unique to your family. And if you celebrate Hanukkah and are interested: take inspiration from our family hanukkah traditions!
  6. Make Time for Your Partner
    Your relationship with your partner is the foundation of your family. Nurture it, even when life gets busy. Early weeknight date nights and then home to put the kids to bed are mine and Isaiah’s jam.
  7. Teach by Example
    Your kids are always watching. Be the person you want them to become. Ask the productive questions about thier school days!

Personal Well-Being and Growth

  1. Prioritize Sleep
    Seriously, sleep is everything. A well-rested mom is a happier, more patient mom. Don’t underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. And when I’m unable to fall asleep or stay asleep—which seems to be happening a lot more lately—meditation is the answer. Taking a few moments to focus on my breath or listen to a guided meditation can work wonders.
  2. Take Time for Yourself
    Self-care isn’t selfish. Whether it’s a 10-minute social media scroll, a mid-week massage, a walk alone in the neighborhood, or a night out with friends, taking time for yourself is essential.
  3. Be Kind to Yourself
    You’re doing the best you can, and that’s enough. Give yourself grace, especially on the tough days.
  4. Trust Your Instincts
    You know yourself and your kids better than anyone. Whether it’s for your health, your career, or your family, don’t be afraid to speak up and stand up for what you believe in. My 39th year tested me on this one in more ways than I can count, and now I’m a better mom and person because of it.
  5. You’re Stronger Than You Think
    Motherhood tests you in ways you never imagined, but it also reveals a strength you never knew you had. The saying “Strong Like a Mother” wasn’t born out of thin air!!
  6. Celebrate Your Journey
    For my 40th birthday, I’m celebrating not just a number but the journey that’s brought me here. Every challenge, every joy, every lesson has shaped me into who I am today—and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Relationships and Friendships

  1. Friendships Change—That’s Okay
    As we grow, so do our friendships. Some friends are meant for a season, and others for a lifetime. It’s okay if relationships evolve or even fade away. I’ve learned that I’m too old for friendships that don’t make me feel good, and that’s perfectly fine. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, and let go of those who don’t. Life’s too short to spend time with people who drain your energy. There is inner peace in knowing this.
  2. Cherish Your Friendships
    Good friends are hard to find and worth their weight in gold. Make time for them, even when life gets busy. I am going into my 40th birthday so much more clearer regarding who I want to give my energy to.
  3. Not Everyone Needs to Like Me
    One of the most freeing lessons I’ve learned is that it’s okay if not everyone likes me. I’m not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s life. I’d rather be authentic and true to myself than try to please everyone and their mother.
  4. Find Your Village
    No one can do it alone. Find your village—friends, family, other moms—and lean on them for support. I don’t know where I would be without mine!!!! Also – having an au pair helps too! Read 10 reasons why having an au pair is best for my fam.
  5. It’s Okay to Say No
    You don’t have to be everything to everyone. It’s okay to say no, set boundaries, and protect your time. For some reason, with every milestone birthday I have, I think about this!

Mindset and Life Lessons

  1. Learn to Let Go
    Not everything needs to be perfect. Sometimes, good enough is more than enough. Let go of the need to control every detail. Confession: this is probably the hardest one on the list for me but I am working on it everyday.
  2. Stay Present
    It’s easy to get caught up in planning for the future, but the present is where life happens. Be here, now. By the way, here is a step-by-step guide on how to create meaningful memory boxes for your kids!!
  3. Don’t Compare
    Every family, every child, every mom is different. Comparison is the thief of joy. Focus on your own journey.
  4. Laugh More
    Laughter truly is the best medicine. Find humor in the little things—like when your toddler covers herself in yogurt, or when your kids “help” clean up the kitchen but it’s still a mess 20 minutes later.
  5. Practice Gratitude
    Every day has something to be grateful for. Focus on the positives, even when things aren’t going your way.
  6. Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
    Most of what we worry about doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Let the small stuff go. Like, truly, let it goooo!
  7. Be Open to Change
    Life is full of changes, especially in motherhood. Be open to them, and embrace the new opportunities they bring.
  8. Be Flexible
    Plans change, kids get sick, and things don’t always go as expected. Flexibility is key to surviving and thriving.


  1. Keep Learning
    Whether it’s a new recipe, a parenting strategy, a sport, card game or any hobby that you’re interested in, keep learning and growing. It makes life so much better!
  2. Take Risks
    Obviously, life is short. Take the leap, try something new, don’t care what others think and don’t be afraid to fail. It’s all part of the journey.
  3. Stay Curious
    Kids are naturally curious, and it’s contagious. Let their curiosity inspire you to explore the world with fresh eyes.
  4. Stay Organized
    Life runs smoother when you’re organized, especially as a parent. Find systems that work for you and stick to them. PSA: It’s time to declutter your digital world with these 7 easy steps!
  5. Find Your Balance
    Balance doesn’t mean equal time for everything. It means finding what works for you and your family in each season of life. Albeit, this is one that took me longer to realize than I would like to admit, but I am going into my 40th birthday really understanding what balance means to my family. Sometimes, it takes a milestone birthday to get it.
  6. Listen More, Talk Less
    Sometimes, all your kids need is for you to listen—really listen!!!!! You don’t always need to have the answers. Just listen!
  7. Be the One to Organize the Plans
    If you want to do something fun, make it happen. Don’t wait around for others to take the lead—be the one to organize the plans. Whether it’s a family outing, a night out with friends, or a spontaneous date night, take charge and make it happen. Life’s too short to wait for others to ask you to do things you want to do!

Self-Worth and Confidence

  1. Be Your Own Advocate
    Whether it’s for your health, your career, or your family, don’t be afraid to speak up and stand up for what you believe in.
  2. Remember Your Worth
    Please don’t forget this: you’re more than a mom—you’re a woman with dreams, goals, and a whole lot to offer the world. Don’t forget that. Ever.
  3. Speaking of Worth, My Body Has ZERO to Do With It
    My body gave birth three times and it is perfect the way it is. My weight will fluctuate throughout life which is 100% natural and normal.
  4. Patience is a Virtue
    Patience is something I’ve learned (and continue to learn) daily. Kids will test your patience, but they also teach you to slow down and appreciate life. Mine is tested hourly, but… deep breaths! By the way, read this post sharing 9 ways to help your kids’ big emotions!
  5. Embrace Imperfection
    Life isn’t perfect, and neither are you. Embrace the imperfections—they’re what make life real and beautiful.
  6. Take Photos, but Live In the Moment
    Photos are the best, but don’t get so caught up in capturing the moment that you forget to live it.
  7. Slow Down
    Life moves fast. Slow down, savor the moments, enjoy them and don’t rush through life. For my 40th birthday, I am really trying to remind myself of this!

Bonus lesson:

…and it’s maybe my favorite: TAKE THE VACATION!!!!!!!!!! I love traveling, with just my husband, as a family with my three kids, via airplane and/or via roadtrip. It’s always fun and it always creates core memories. Save up and DO IT!!!!! No regrets! Because experiences are >>>>>>>>>

Ahhhh!! That was a lot but 40 years is a lot! Here’s to the next decade of life, milestone birthday, motherhood, and everything in between! And by the way – feel free to share this blog post with your fellow mom friends who are celebrating a milestone birthday, and especially with those who are celebrating their 40th birthday!

Here are 39 quotes to read on your next birthday!

Reflecting on another year of life, I’m reminded of the power of inspirational quotes and motivational birthday wishes, which give a fresh perspective on life. Quotes have the incredible ability to uplift, guide, and encourage us on our life journey. I’m getting sappy here, but I really believe that. So whether it’s your 40th birthday, 35th birthday, or any old birthday, read these birthday quotes now!


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All photos edited with my Mom Life Presets, built for moms with ZERO technology experience and available for sale here.

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