Black history month is here and as parents, it is not only our job to teach our kids about the people of the black community, but also to celebrate them. Why? Because as history goes, on August 28, 1963, African Americans carrying big signs and posters marched at the March on Washington demanding equal rights, to integrate schools, the ability to find decent housing and an end to bias. Every February, our country honors the contributions and sacrifices of African Americans who have helped shape the nation.
With that said, I’m just going to jump right into this conversation because it’s an important one!
Ever since the Black Lives Matter movement began, and I took some time to pause, listen, and learn about the black community, a huge realization that came from it all was that IT STARTS BY TEACHING MY KIDS. Yes, schools are supposed to be teaching about Black History Month in February, but the real learning begins at home. I urge you to keep shining light on it so it becomes a movement that sticks for years and decades to come. One that’s continued to be talked about for the long haul. One that gives all parents with young children the push to teach their kids about it and CELEBRATE it, so they’re able to grow up in a more loving and kind, unbiased world. Black lives STILL matter. And they will ALWAYS matter.
We need to build a world without hate.
A world without hate crimes. A world without prejudices. And the only way to do that is to act on it. Wouldn’t you agree?!
I’ve compiled the best of the best resources out there for you {and me!!} to help do our part. And if you’re thinking that your toddlers are too young to discuss this, think again! Our children are wayyyy smarter than we give them credit for!
Please take a look at the goodies below. Read the titles, click on the articles, and USE them because they are there for you to do just that!
Activities to Celebrate Black History Month
Famous People Puzzle Cards – allow your kids to learn about 38 famous black people in a unique and fun way!
Black History Month Coloring Pages – they’re free!
29 Days of Crafts for February!! – this website has found so many adorable ones for every day during the month of February!
Free Educational Resources for Parents
Save the Children: Tips for Talking with Children About Racism and Social Justice
The Every Mom: Toddlers Aren’t Too Young to Talk About Race—Here’s How to Start
The Conscious Kid: Racial Literacy Key Terms
Wisconsin Education Association Council: How to Talk to Young Children About the Black Lives Matter Guiding Principals {this is an excellent PDF that literally spoon-feeds you the exact language to approach your kids with!!}
The Best Children’s Books that Speak about Racial Injustice
If You Were a Kid During the Civil Rights Movement
Something Happened in Our Town: A Child’s Story About Racial Injustice
Well-Written Children’s Books that Celebrate Diversity
This Is How We Do It: One Day in the Lives of Seven Kids from Around the World
Teach Your Dragon About Diversity: Train Your Dragon To Respect Diversity
The Skin You Live In {sidenote: this was a book that I ALWAYS read to my first graders as a teacher. So many great lessons!}
The Sandwich Swap {this is one of my all-time favorites… I read it to my students every year when I taught, I’ve read it to my kids before they even knew how to talk and I’ve read it in their classrooms when I visit – it’s that good!!}
Notable Children’s TV Show Episodes that Combat Equality
Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood teaches all the lessons… the episode entitled “Friends are Different and the Same” is a great one to garner a deeper conversation about others!
Sesame Street Racism Town Hall – you can watch it at THIS link.
Arthur: Season 21, Episode 4 entitled “Arthur Takes a Stand” – this can be streamed on Amazon Prime.
Sesame Street: Season 25, Episode 5 “Sesame on Racism” – it’s as relevant now as it was when it first aired {to put things into perspective, Sesame Street is currently airing season 52!!!}
Must-Watch Children’s Movies that Display Diverse Characters
- Disney’s Coco
- Moana
- The Karate Kid {the 2010 version}
- Mulan
- Family Reunion
Undoubtedly, it’s time to continue to step up, amplify black voices, and in my opinion, and most importantly, TEACH OUR KIDS.
We must teach them what’s right by talking to them, sharing with them and being honest with them about what’s happening in our world.
WE HAVE TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE because our children will undoubtedly practice what we preach!
With all this being said, Black History Month is a time to celebrate – so let’s do just that!!!
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Hi Dana! This is such a great list – just purchased a few of them moments ago. Can I make a suggestion? Rather than ordering through Amazon, order from Semicolon Bookstore in Chicago (https://www.semicolonchi.com/), which is the only Black woman-owned bookstore in Chicago currently. I’m totally an Amazon addict and get the convenience!! But I’ve been trying to make an effort to spend my money elsewhere when possible. Let’s divert money back to the Black community when we can, rather than Bezos’ pockets :) Yes – it’ll take more time, and cost a little more, but if people can spare it, it’s worth it!
Thank you for bringing this discussion and suggestions to your blog! I don’t follow a ton of people on Insta, but some of the bloggers/influencers I follow are coming across as tone-deaf in this moment, and I appreciate you taking the time and energy to talk about this.