Let’s Talk Iced Coffee

Let’s chat about iced coffee, shall we? That glorious morning (or afternoon, or hey, even evening) pick-me-up. You know those days, scorching summer or not, when you just crave a refreshing cup of iced coffee?? (Because yep, some of us totally drink it year-round! Hi, it me!!)

The problem is, life as a mama gets busy. Between the kids, being a mom, managing the house and doing the housework, focusing on the job that makes us money (I say this because being a mom IS a job – just an unpaid one!!), and a million other things, our delicious iced coffee can easily turn into a watered-down mess by the time we finally get back to it. Been there, sighed dramatically over that lukewarm drink. Gahhh.

But fear not, mama friends! There’s a magic solution to this dilemma: coffee cubes!

Ditch the watery mess! Learn how to make iced coffee cubes for perfectly chilled, never-diluted iced coffee all day long.

Why Coffee Cubes Are a Game-Changer for Busy Moms

Let me tell you, coffee cubes are a serious game-changer for SO many reasons. Picture this scenario: you make a beautiful iced coffee, take a glorious sip, then get pulled in a million directions. Finally, you remember your coffee, but it’s not the same anymore. The ice has melted, diluting the coffee and leaving you with a not-so-delicious drink. Ugh. We’ve all been there, right? I know it’s not just me!

Side note: there are 100% bigger problems in the world, but hey, a watered-down iced coffee can be a real downer! This is a judgment-free zone for complaining about this minor inconvenience, because let’s be honest, it’s annoying!

That’s why I consider coffee cubes to be the most epic hack for this common mama problem!! They keep your iced coffee cold without watering it down, so every sip is just as delicious as the first. Plus, they’re incrediblyyy easy to make.

Ditch the watery mess! Learn how to make iced coffee cubes for perfectly chilled, never-diluted iced coffee all day long.

By the way, this handy dandy ice cube tray container is everything and more! It allows you to make a ton of smaller sized ice cubes in one go, and then you can store them in the container! Once frozen, when you go to take the cubes out of the trays, you don’t have to work all that hard. You just flip a tray over, put it in the bin, and diagonally push down on the cover. The cubes should all pop out! If they don’t, you can wait a few minutes and try again but it works for me and we love it!! Linking a few versions below!

Upgrade Your Iced Coffee Game with Coffee Cubes

Here’s how you can use this super simple coffee cubes recipe to take your iced coffee to the next level…

Ditch the watery mess! Learn how to make iced coffee cubes for perfectly chilled, never-diluted iced coffee all day long.

These Easy Coffee Cubes will Upgrade Your Iced Coffee Game Tenfold!

Making ice coffee cubes is super quick and easy! They are the best iced coffee hack out there!


  • Freshly brewed coffee your favorite kind, of course.
  • Ice cube tray
  • Optional: sweeteners milk, or flavorings


  • Brew Your Coffee: Make a pot of coffee just the way you like it. I only drink decaf, but you do you!
  • Add Extras (Optional): If you like your coffee a bit sweeter or flavored, this is the time to add in some milk, a few drops of vanilla extract, your favorite syrup flavoring (lavender is my go-to these days!), or even a bit of your favorite sweetener to the pot. Give it a little stir.
  • Pour into ice cube tray: Carefully pour the coffee into your ice cube tray. Fill each compartment almost to the top.
  • Freeze: Place the tray in the freezer and let the cubes freeze completely. This usually takes about 4-6 hours.
  • Enjoy!: Pop a few coffee cubes into a glass, pour your fresh coffee or milk over them, and enjoy a perfectly chilled, undiluted iced coffee. YUM!

It’s crazy easy, right? This is basically a non-recipe, recipe, if you know what I mean?! But for real – coffee cubes are the most genius hack I’ve seen in a long time, especially for those crazy mornings when you need a quick pick-me-up. I’ve actually been making them for years and I’m just putting it out there but they are not talked about enough! So, whatever the weather, these coffee cubes will keep you enjoying your iced coffee drink all day long!

And if the ice coffee cubes do eventually melt because of life’s distractions, just add some more coffee cubes into your drink! Delish!!!

Give it a try and let me know how it goes. Your iced coffee game is about to get soooo much better! YAY!

What are you waiting for?! Go make your iced coffee cubes so they’re ready to use tomorrow! You will not be disappointed. That’s a fact! 


I’m sharing my 3 favorite ice lattes that I’ve been drinking for years!!! None of them are too out-of-the-box and all are insanely yummy. Because iced lattes and coffee have no bounds, I will drink them to my heart’s desire all day long, haha! If you’re curious to know what they are, this is your chance to find out and order each of them in the near future! Just sayin’


If not, what are you waiting for?? We have fun over there, and I would love to have you join our little mama community!! All it takes is 2 seconds! So, click here and hit that follow button now!


100+ Easy School Lunch Box Ideas to Help You Create Healthy Lunches for Your Kids All Year in Under 5 Minutes a Day.

Dinner Table Gratitude Game.

12 Holy Grail Products That Will Make Your Life As a Mom So Much Easier.

All photos edited with my Mom Life Presets, built for moms with ZERO technology experience and available for sale here.

Comments +

  1. Courtney says:

    I love that idea for iced coffee cubes!! And I love photoshop but still find it a little confusing, so I’m thinking about trying to find a course/seminar about how to use all of the features!


    • Dana Ivy says:

      They’re the best!! About photoshop: I haven’t really played around with it yet but I’m excited to! Will prob need to sign up for a course or seminar as well. Let me know if you find a good one!! Happy Monday!!

  2. Lily Ayala says:

    Sounds like you were spoiled, friend! You totally deserve it! :)
    I prefer iced coffee over hot coffee any day…I need to try this!

    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  3. Biana Perez says:

    i honestly don’t know why I’ve never tried to make these iced coffee cubes!! Aww you’ll have to show us a picture of that new apple watch band…I’m always on the hunt for new ones!! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston

    • Dana Ivy says:

      You must try these!! And yes! I will def show you guys when I get it! He actually had to order it so it hasn’t come in yet! But it’s the woven pink one on the apple website!! Hope you had a great weekend girl, going to your blog to read about it now! Xox

  4. Shauna C says:

    Hands down THEEEE cutest idea!! How have I not thought of this before? That coffee looks pretty good right now, not gonna lie! XO



    • Dana Ivy says:

      I don’t know why they aren’t a staple at all the coffee shops!! So amazing! And the easiest to make!! Let me know if you try! Xox

  5. Jalisa says:

    I’ve never thought of this, but this is why you’re in my life, Dana, haha! I always tell you, you have the best hacks and ideas and I always leave your blog having learnt something new or have been reminded about something I’ve completely forgot about! As much as I love iced coffee, I hate when the barista adds too much ice because I know it’ll become super watery, super fast! If you tell them not too much, it’s never enough! This is such a great solution because I, too, brew my own coffee at home. Now, I have a question, do you brew your coffee like you typically would and just add the cubes to it and do you add the creamer to your coffee or do you leave it out since the cubes have it already? I hope that wasn’t confusing, haha! Thanks so much for sharing, gorgeous, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

    PS: I’m so happy you enjoyed your Mother’s Day, you deserved all those lovely gifts, you’re such a great mama and wife!



    • Dana Ivy says:

      Hahahah not confusing at all, Jalisa! I totally get your q!! So I brew the coffee like normal, add a little cream like normal, and let it sit for a bit. Thennnn, I’ll add the iced coffee cubes hoping they don’t melt immediately because the coffee isn’t crazy hot! {But if they do melt, totally fine, I just add more coffee cubes!} Basically, to answer your q- I add the cream in the cubes and the coffee in order to make sure the coffee to cream ratio is how I typically like it! Ha!

      Anddd I hope you had a great mama’s day as well! You are so sweet! Happy Monday and let me know what you think of these coffee cubes!!! Xox

  6. Hanna says:

    Thanks for sharing! This is a great idea –Hanna Lei

    Latest Post: How to look Chic in High Waisted Shorts this Summer

  7. Nicole Miller says:

    Omg! So easy and smart…I might even save some $$$ with fewer trips to Starbucks this summer now :)


  8. Nellwyn says:

    This is such a good idea! Why didn’t I think of this? Definitely going to make these for summertime.

    Nellwyn | http://www.thecardinalpress.com

  9. karenmsmith77 says:

    Great idea

  10. Follow My Gut says:

    First, PS as a gift is AWESOME!!! OMGawd once you get the hang of it, you’re gonna wonder how you ever lived without it. Ok, a bit of an exaggeration, but it’s still true. In regards to these ice cubes, I keep tellin myself to try this and now I have to. They look so good and will probably be amazing in the summer. The spring too. Heck, fall and winter! Lovely post, Dana! <3

  11. WhatWouldVWear says:

    Dana, OMG! This is the BEST idea ever! How come I’ve never thought of that? They are fantastic for our warmer weather ahead! Gosh, I can’t wait to tell my hubs all about! Totally pinning this!

    Happy Monday, love!

    xoxo, Vanessa


    • Dana Ivy says:

      So happy you liked this idea! I didn’t exactly think of it myself but I did randomly decide to put the cream in the cubes. Never seen that done before! And it literally takes zero effort to make!! So good! Let me know what you and your hubby think!!
      Anddd thanks for the pin!! Yay!! Hope you had a great mother’s day! Xox

  12. Tamara says:

    I love having iced coffee in the summer but hate how ice cubes water it down. This idea is great though! Gotta try it!


    Tamara – LoveofMode.com

  13. Jill says:

    Those coffee cubes do look great Dana! But Mothers Day was even greater! ????????????

  14. Jill says:

    THose coffee cubes do look great Dana!… But Mother’s Day was even greater! ????????????????????

  15. Jesica says:

    Um, holy yum!! I just downed an embarrassing amount of cold brew coffee yesterday and some matching coffee ice cubes would have been amazing. Definitely going to make some, thanks for the fabulous idea!

    • Dana Ivy says:

      You must!! So freaking good and it literally takes zero effort to do! Let me know what you think, Jesica!! Thanks for stopping by the blog and I hope you’ll come back to read more! Xox

      PS when I first read your comment I thought it said you “downloaded” the cold brew… hahaha not so much ;)

  16. Kathryn says:

    I was just thinking about iced coffee cubes this weekend, so this is the push I need to make them! It’s really the worst when regular ice dilutes your drink, it makes it taste so “blah” and is actually pretty disappointing, haha.

    Kathryn • The Fashionography

  17. katelyn ryan says:

    yum! now that it’s warm i drink iced coffee on the daily!


  18. Erika says:

    I’ve seen these before, but have never tried them! looming forward to trying them all summer!!

  19. Alyssa says:

    I always wanted to try this, maybe I should now since it’s so freakin’ hot in my country right now. It’s almost 40 degree Celsius


    • Dana Ivy says:

      Try it!! You will love! Let me know what you think! So happy you found my blog! Hope you’ll be back to read more :) Have a great day, Alyssa!!!

  20. Great! This is something I always wanted to try/do but always forget lol :)

    • Dana Ivy says:

      I know! I was the same but it literally takes no effort so I finally did it and have been doing it ever since! The best!! Thanks for stopping by the blog, Giendai! I hope you’ll be back to read more!! Xox

  21. Heidi Wood says:

    Wow, amazing, I never try this before!

    • Dana Ivy says:

      Oh you need to! I am actually drinking an iced coffee with my iced coffee cubes as we speak. So delish! Thanks for stopping by the blog, Heidi! I hope you’ll be back to read more!! Xox

  22. Dara says:

    Genius. When the coffee ice melts, it’s just more coffee rather than waters down what you already have! Love. Also, I’m totally obsessed with Coffee Mate too. I have a hard time drinking coffee without it!

    – Dara // http://www.peoniesandhoneybees.com

    • Dana Ivy says:

      OMG!!! Yes! I feel you on the coffee mate thing. I actually bought those to go ones but they aren’t the same as the refrigerated bottles. LOVE! And yes, it is pretty genius if I do say so myself. I didn’t exactly come up with it but the cream idea was my own! Though I’m sure it’s been done before! Ha! Hope you had a great day!! Xox

  23. Jeri says:

    Just saw Kaitlyn from the Bachelorette making these on Snapchat! Now that you’ve endorsed them as well, I think I will make some today!

    • Dana Ivy says:

      No way! Did she read my post?! ha {doubtful} What are the chances though? Did you make them today? It’s seriously a zero effort recipe, if you can even call it a recipe?! Let me know what you think, Jer. Xx

  24. Yay for being spoiled on Mothers Day! This sounds delish! I hate how watered down my iced coffee gets near the end, problem solved <3
    Green Fashionista

  25. Natalie says:

    This is such a handy trick – love it! I hate drinking watered down coffee, it’s the worst. Thanks for sharing this!


  26. Falasha says:

    I have seen these on Pinterest in the past but I will certainly have to try it. Thank you for sharing.

    xx Falasha

    Bite My Fashion ll Instagram ll Bloglovin’ ll Join the Secret Guide

  27. Charity says:

    I’m not a big fan of iced coffee but what a great idea for those who are! So glad you had a wonderful Mother’s Day and that your hubby and Brody spoiled you ;)

  28. Carina Vardie says:

    Need to try this! Thanks for sharing!


  29. Ashley says:

    YUM! I love iced coffee, but I always hate when it gets watered down. These are the perfect solution!

  30. Emily says:

    These look yummy! I’ve seen something similar and have been dying to make these. Especially since coffee is a staple in my diet. ;)

    -Emily http://www.coatandcoffee.com

  31. What a phenomenal idea!! Why didn’t I think of this?

    • Dana Ivy says:

      Hhaha well I didn’t exactly think of it but I’m glad I could enlighten you! Def give them a try! And so glad you found my blog! Hope you’ll be back to read more :) Xox

  32. Stephanie says:

    Can’t believe you’re a mom (look so young)!! Happy mother’s day!! Congrats on the photoshop and wristband! That’s super cute. Lovely tips on the ice coffee cubes will put it into use right now!!

    Stephanie ● Sartorial Diner

    • Dana Ivy says:

      Ha! Yup, I’m a 31-year-old mom! Thanks for the compliment girl :) My son is 16 months so this was my second mother’s day! So fun! Did you try the iced coffee cubes yet? Really great, right? Let me know what you think!! Xox

  33. Trang Do says:

    Wow! Amazing! Looks so yummy!

    Love from http://www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  34. I have always wanted to try this but doubted if it works… think you’ve convinced me!

  35. Mica Cataletto says:

    I literally have the Venti Starbucks Iced cup in my hands at this moment. It’s SO old, but it’s my favorite and travels everywhere with me. LOVE the ice cubes idea and will have to try myself this weekend.

    • Dana Ivy says:

      Omgosh!! How funny! And what a coincidence! I love mine too and take it with me wherever I go as well! So glad you love the ice cubes idea, Mica! Did you ever give it a try?!!? Let me know if you did! Want to hear what you think!! Also, so glad you found my blog and hope you’ll be back to read more!! Xox

  36. Raina Elegado says:

    Yesss! I’ve been doing this too and it’s the best! I hate when my iced coffee gets all watery. I also have that same tumbler! :)

    xo Raina

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