Juggling after-school activities for multiple kids can be a REAL challenge, but with the right strategies, you can keep everything running smoothly, I promise! I know, I know, this sounds like a pipe dream but I have some really great strategies up my sleeve that not only allow me to maintain my own sanity, but my whole families as well! Today, I’m sharing how I manage my children’s busy schedules and our full after school routine while staying organized and on top of everything, all without losing my mind! (Well, for most days that is, ha!)

1. Have Conversations Before Signing Up for Activities

To avoid the dreaded “I don’t want to go today” conversation, I’ve learned to have discussions with my kids before signing them up for activities. We talk about their interests and what they want to commit to. I make it clear that once they’re signed up, they are expected to attend unless they’re sick or under the weather. This helps set expectations and reduces resistance when it’s time to head out the door, ensuring that our after school routine goes smoothly!

2. Plan for Downtime After School

Amidst all the activities, it’s important to schedule a little downtime for your kids, immediately after school if possible. When I can, I always try to make sure to block out time in our calendar for snacks, relaxation, or just being bored for 30-minutes to 45-minutes after they get home. This not only gives the kids a chance to recharge after a long day of learning in school but also helps prevent the exhaustion that comes from running from one activity to another a little later on. This downtime is a crucial part of our after school routine and although it’s impossible to account for it everyday, most days we are able to fit it in the schedule!

3. Use a Shared, Color-Coded Family Calendar

This is my #1 tip if I’m being honest, because I don’t know how I would live without our shared family calendar! It literally runs my life! It’s the ultimate lifesaver when it comes to managing our family’s schedule. And to say that I’m obsessed with the Calendars App is an understatement. You can sync any existing calendars you may have (google cal, ical, etc) and then also share specific calendars with others. My husband and I can both see our joint family calendar, plus each of our 3 kids schedules, which allows us to stay on the same page everyday! To make things even clearer, I color-code the calendar by child: Brody’s activities are in blue, Levi’s in green, and Demi’s are in pink. This way, it’s easy to see who has what going on each day, and there’s no confusion about where anyone needs to be.

4. Set Aside Time for a Weekly After School Routine Overview

Every Sunday night, I like to sit down and review the week ahead. This gives me a clear picture of what’s coming up and helps me plan for any potential conflicts. It’s also a great time to make sure each kid has all the gear they need for their activities. To delve into this further, to make after-school transitions smoother, I keep pre-packed activity bags ready to go for each child in their mudroom cubbies. For example, Levi’s soccer bag stays in his cubby with his cleats and uniform. This way, we avoid the last-minute scramble, and I’m not rushing around looking for missing items, keeping our after school routine way more organized than if I didn’t review the week ahead of time.

5. Leverage the Help of an Au Pair (or Nanny)

If you’ve been around this little slice of the internet awhile, you know that my family is all about the Au Pair program! (Read more about why having an au pair over a nanny works for us, here) Having an au pair has been an incredible asset in managing after-school activities, as I can schedule her to work during the exact hours that I need her to. Whether you’re a working parent or not, an au pair can provide much-needed support! She or he can stay home with a napping baby or younger sibling while you handle the driving, or alternatively, an au pair can take on the driving duties, allowing you to stay home with the other kids. This flexibility makes it easier to juggle everyone’s schedules without feeling stretched too thin.

6. Set Up Carpooling with Other Parents

Carpooling is another great way to lighten your load. I coordinate with other parents who’s kids are in the same activities as mine to share the driving responsibilities, for pretty much every extra-curricular activity that my kids are signed up for. This not only saves time but also pushes me to check-in with other parents about their after school routine and schedules. Plus, it gives the kids extra time to connect with their friends outside of school!! Huge plus!!

7. Prioritize Family Meals

While our schedules are B-U-S-Y, I make it a priority to sit down for family meals at least a few times a week. It doesn’t have to be every night, but those moments around the table are precious. They give us a chance to reconnect, share about our day, and maintain our family bond despite the craziness of after-school activities. During family meals, we love talking about our days and playing this Dinner Table Gratitude Game. It’s the BEST and never gets old! Download it asap to use at your dinner table!!

8. Encourage Independence and Responsibility

While Brody and Levi don’t have access to our family calendar, I make it a point to tell them the night before about their activities for the next day. I encourage them to remember their water bottles, sports gear & activity bags, or anything else they might need. This helps them start developing responsibility and independence, knowing that they’re part of keeping our crazy busy schedule running smoothly. It also reduces the chances of leaving something important behind in the morning rush.

9. Keep a Backup Plan Ready

No matter how well you plan, things don’t always go as expected with your after school routine. Am I right or am I right?! I always have a backup plan in place—whether it’s a trusted neighbor, a close friend who is willing to help, or my parents, who can step in for pick-up duty! I also ALWAYS have snacks and water bottles in my car for the kids and their friends, just in case!! That’s a necessity! Having a plan B helps me stay calm when the inevitable hiccups happen.

10. Give Yourself Grace

Mamas, remember that it’s okay not to have everything perfectly managed all the time! Some days will be chaotic, and that’s okay. Give yourself grace and know that you’re doing your best to provide a fulfilling and balanced life for your kids. You (we) got this!!!!!!!

Managing After-School Activities Doesn’t Have to be Overwhelming!

It really doesn’t!!! By implementing these smart strategies like using a shared calendar, planning for downtime, and involving your kids in the decision-making process, you can keep your family’s schedule organized and reduce stress on everyone. That’s a fact!! Remember, it’s all about finding a balance that works for your family and giving yourself the grace to adapt as needed. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of juggling after-school commitments while maintaining your family’s well-being. YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!!!


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100+ Easy School Lunch Box Ideas to Help You Create Healthy Lunches for Your Kids All Year in Under 5 Minutes a Day.

Dinner Table Gratitude Game.

12 Holy Grail Products That Will Make Your Life As a Mom So Much Easier.

For more info on all freebies – click here!!

All photos edited with my Mom Life Presets, built for moms with ZERO technology experience and available for sale here.

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