As I was changing Demi’s diaper the other day and spraying her diaper cream {spraying is the operative word there} on her cute tushie, I thought about all the amazing products that I use with her – baby #3 – that either weren’t around when my first two were born or I didn’t choose to invest in. I scanned through what a typical day for us looks like in my head and counted 8 baby products that I truly couldn’t live without during this pivotal first year. Today, I thought I would share them with you!!
1. Baby Brezza

AKA the baby bottle Keurig as we like to call it! Once you have your powdered formula loaded into the machine, you simply choose how many oz you want in the bottle and press start. Immediately, and I mean immediately, a perfectly mixed formula bottle is ready! It’s typically a 10-second process for us to make an 8 oz. bottle from start to finish and it’s all because of the Baby Brezza. You can also decide what temperature you want the contents of the bottle to be and as someone who used liquid formula with my first two, I never in a million years thought anything could be easier than that. But this is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WORTH. THE. INVESTMENT.
You can shop the Baby Brezza here.
2. Honest Diaper Rash SPRAY

You guys!!!! Diaper rash cream in spray form, need I say more!!!! Like, why wasn’t this thought of sooner? Say bye to the days of having to use your fingers to apply diaper rash cream because once you go Honest diaper rash spray, you’ll never go back! It really works, too!
You can shop the Honest Diaper Rash Spray here.
3. The Drool Bibs That Catch Everything

Before Demi was born, I was on the hunt for cute drool bibs – something other than the classic bib that lies flat on baby’s chest and something other than the bandana bibs that I used for both boys. Not that there is anything wrong with the bandana bibs, but I was looking for something different this time around. When I randomly stumbled upon these on Amazon one day, I knew I had to buy them in every color!! And I’m so glad I did just that because they are the best: they’re made with super soft organic muslin material, they’ve got adjustable snaps which I like, and they’re also crazy absorbent. Plus, they literally catch all her drool and milk spit-up all day long, too! And the reasonable pricing is the icing on the cake!
You can shop the bibs here.
4. Our Doona Stroller

Ahhh the Doona!!!! Pretty sure this came out right around the time I had Levi but I didn’t want to spend the money to get it. So glad we decided to invest this time around. It’s probably my most favorite baby purchase EVER. If you don’t know, it’s goes from a stroller to car seat and back in seconds!!!!!!!!!!! MIC DROP. If you want to see it in action, check out this video that I posted on my insta all about it!
You can ready more about my love for the carseat here and shop the Doona here.
5. BabyBjorn Carrier

As someone who desperately wanted to carry my boys as babies, I literally tried ALMOST every baby carrier on the market. Except this one. I know this is a strong word but I really and truly hated them all for different reasons. I knew of the BabyBjorn but had heard great things about the Ergobaby carrier so invested in that one instead. Looking back, what a mistake that was. This BabyBjorn carrier is BY FAR the easiest one I’ve ever used and Demi loves it too! Huge thanks to my friend Lauren who is letting me borrow hers! Otherwise I wouldn’t have known how amazing it is!
You can shop the BabyBjorn carrier here.
6. Zippity Zip

Ahh the Zippity Zip! What a genius product this is! For the boys, we used the Aden and Anais sleep sacks which were great {and I might end up switching her into them once she turns one} but I have to say, this is better for the after swaddle stage. Especially for the first year. Why? For one, I put her in it once she was busting out of the swaddle and I knew it was safe for her to turn over in once that time came. Also, her arms and hands are tucked into it so she doesn’t wake up with the inevitable nail marks on her face. Plus, they come in different materials and the fleece one has been amazing during the winter months! It’s a wearable blanket and she sleeps so well in it!!
You can shop the Zippity Zip here.
7. Hatch+

The Hatch Rest+ is the most amazing sound machine on the market! We love it so much that I ended up buying one for Brody and one for Levi to use at night too. In a nutshell, you can control the entire sound machine via an app that you can easily download on your phone. Not only does it have the built-in digital clock feature, but you can lower or increase the volume, change it’s color to ANY color in the color rainbow, brighten or dim it’s color, choose a sound {ocean waves, rain, birds, laundry machine, lullaby, pure white noise, etc!}, set an alarm, and MORE all through the app. How cool?!?! It’s the best and completely tunes out the outside noise that others might be making in your house!! All my kids use it with the ocean sound on high volume!
You can shop the Hatch+ Rest sound machine here.
8. Lovery Play Gym

Ok, this is actually Demi’s favorite of all favorites! She is obsessed with it! It has provided endless activity and entertainment for her since she was a newborn and at every stage she’s at, she finds something new about it that she likes playing with. What’s cool is that you can hide each section to help baby learn to focus on one thing at a time and you can switch things around to customize it and make it even more exciting for baby!! Plus, it comes with a play guide for parents with inspiration and activities from child development specialists. HOW DID I LIVE WITHOUT THIS PLAY GYM WITH THE BOYS?!?!?!
You can shop the Lovery Play Gym here.
Take a look at these 5 tricks that will 100% help you out in that department!!
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