I’ve never written out any of my children’s birth stories but ya know what? There’s a first time for everything! Since Demi has entered the world, so many of you have asked me about my labor and her delivery. Let’s just say it is definitely my most favorite story to date… and not just because it was the easiest ;) Why? I think because she came the quickest out of any of my kids AND the story starts with my water breaking… something that had never happened before!

Also, she was early!!! 6 days early! Brody and Levi were both late {4 days and 3 days, respectively} and I was induced with them. I had LONG labors and quick deliveries but I can’t complain about either. I had a small scare with Brody but in the end, both boys came into this world healthy and happy and while I LOVED having all my family in my hospital room to celebrate with me before and after {which wasn’t the case for baby #3 – ugh covid}, the labors were scheduled and pretty mundane.

This time around though, it felt like the movies!
While I had been feeling like I was going to go early, I never in a million years imagined my water breaking! Let alone in the middle of the night while I was sleeping. YES!!!!! You heard that right, my water broke WHILE I WAS SLEEPING!!!!!!!

It was pretty much the weirdest experience and feeling I’ve ever had
Let me paint the picture for you: It was 1:05 am, I was laying on my back, which I know they tell you not to do but whatever, and in a VERY deep sleep. I was definitely in REM sleep and dreaming about I don’t even know what. All the sudden, the weirdest thing happened. It was like a balloon popped within me and water came flowing out allllll over my bed. LOL. My eyes popped open faster than I could wake Isaiah and while it felt like a dream, it most certainly was NOT. The clear, odorless, water that completely covered my mattress was, in face, very very real! Insert laughing emoji here!
So, with that said, I’ve always heard that when your water breaks, it continues to flow out of you when you’re walking, etc. I got up to go to the bathroom immediately and that was not happening! I told Isaiah there’s no way that this was my water breaking! He was like, Dana, you cray, it is, and we have to go to the hospital NOW!!! Hahhaha. I called my doc and he basically said the same thing as my hubby. Good thing I had literally packed my bag THE DAY BEFORE or else getting to the hospital would have taken A LOT longer!
Of course, my next call was to my parents because they had to come over and watch the boys. Couldn’t leave them home alone, I guess, right?! #kidding. They got to my house in 18 minutes flat, Isaiah and I had the car already packed and we were OFF.

Hospital time!
Once we arrived at the hospital {sidenote + a fun fact: I delivered at Advocate Lutheran General Hospital where I was actually born!!!}, we went into triage, they admitted me immediately, things progressed quickly and I asked for my epidural around 5:00 am. I was 3 cm dilated at this point and pretty quickly my entire lower body was numb to pain. Which I welcomed!! Haha.
A few hours went by, and I was feeling good, which was great because with the boys I was nauseous AF for the majority of my labor. I threw up more times than I could count with them at the hospital and they had to give me Zofran through the IV. Not this time, woo!!

I was also very nervous that she was going to be sunny side up, as both her brothers were. {sunny side up just means that while the baby is head down {which is good!}, it’s also face up {not good!}} I asked them to come check me because I had been feeling some pressure. I was super relieved to hear that Demi was not sunny side up but HOLY SH*T I found out that I was 10 cm dilated!!!!!!!!! This was at 8:00 am and I was totally, completely, ready to push!!!!
No wonder why I felt some pressure! I had to literally keep her inside of me until the doctor arrived, and we weren’t sure when that was going to happen. Needless to say, I was freaking. And felt like a little kid on a road trip because I kept asking the nurses how much longer. Hahaha. Yep. I couldn’t make this up if I tried.

She was ready!!
The doc flew into my room at 9:00 am and sweet Demi Eden was born at 9:14 am! We did skin to skin right away and her big, beautiful, BLUE {another shock! The boys have brown eyes and always have!} eyes were wide open staring me down!!

I loved her the minute I zoned in on that pretty face!
It was like the room stopped for a few whole minutes. Then I realized I just gave birth {to a clone of Brody, no less… although now I see Levi in her a lot!} and made sure I got confirmation that she was a girl. I mean, I obviously didn’t pay attention to that right away and also, honestly didn’t believe I would ever have a girl until the second I laid eyes on her! More on that in this post where I announced the gender and shared a little bit about our small family reveal party + in this post where I answered all your pregnancy questions!
With all that said, Demi Eden is here and she is PERFECT. Her big bros are obsessed with her and our whole family is smitten. She has completed us!

An exciting offer!!
Demi’s dreamy newborn photos were taken by the amazingly talented Jake Cohen Photography. I’m very excited to let you know that’s he’s offering my readers 10% off any family session excluding fall weekend sundown sessions. Contact him {and mention my name!} to learn more at jakecohenphotography@gmail.com and check out his website here.
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