Can you believe that we’ve been living in a pandemic for almost a year now?

I remember on March 12th when I got the call that school was cancelled for 2 weeks. It was a MAJOR mom freak out moment!! I mean, didn’t you feel the same way?! Now that it’s been basically a year of wearing masks, social distancing from friends + extended fam, homeschooling and only eating and socializing OUTSIDE with anyone, the whole thing feels like we’ve lived through a far-fetched movie with a premise that one could never fathom happening in real life.

With that said, we have survived!!!!! I say this knowing that so many of us have lost family and friends due to Covid-19. It’s shitty and my heart hurts thinking about it. We have to continue to do our part in making sure 2020 never repeats itself because this way of life is far from over. I am not naive to that. But instead of going down the depressing path that was this past year, I am choosing to look on the bright side. Because moving forward, I really think that that’s what life needs to be all about!

Ready for my Covid-Year takeaways? Let’s do this!

  • Fam is EVERYTHING! You can’t take your quarantine crew for granted. I don’t!!! So excited to add in a little lady to our team in 2021!!! Ah!! {insert all the pink heart emojis!!}
  • I am obsessed with my husband working from home. Isaiah, never leave us!!!! K?!
  • Pandemics are scary and masks are annoying. But they work. My family and I will continue to wear them until we’re told otherwise! We rock them well, dontchathink??!!????????
  • Mind over matter. This year was anxiety ridden on so many different accounts but going through life with a positive attitude just makes it easier. No better way to say it!
  • Potty training during quarantine is the best way to do it! Levi was trained in 3 days flat – including overnight. Booyaaa! {PS I still plan to share a blog post on this topic so stay tuned for that!}
  • Taking a year off from traveling isn’t SO bad. Because of it, we got to reno our basement, redo our entire backyard and landscaping, add drapes to our living room + complete the decor on our dining room! Wow!!
  • Pandemic birthdays can still be the MOST fun! Zooming with friends, car drive-bys, front yard bday signs + balloons that are extra make them all the more memorable!
  • Hope is here!! We are now in the hands of a new president and #BidenandHarris have already begun turning this world around for the better!!!
  • Most importantly – we are going to be A-OK. An end is in sight to most of the things we have grown accustomed to this year {masks, etc}, mostly in due part to the distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines. I believe this is the answer to getting our lives as close as possible to how they used to be.

Health above all!!

I’m sure there are so many things I’m missing but really, as long as we have our health, that’s all that matters. My family has taken the utmost caution in everything we’ve done over the past year. It’s taken a toll on all of us but it was important that we took this pandemic seriously.

With that, I can’t say that I don’t dream of the days of perusing the aisle of Target and in-door malls again. I can’t say that I don’t long for the day I can get a full-body massage again {my fave!! Especially pregnant!!}. And I CANNOT wait for the day where my child is in full-day school again! Who knows when that will be but I live in hope that it will happen sooner than later and I feel good about this past year knowing that I did my part to lesson the spread of this horrible terrible virus.

I’m not mad about the lessons that this year has taught me. I am stronger than I was pre-pandemic, I am wiser, and I know I can survive anything that life throws my way! For that, I will forever be grateful! Now… let’s be done with this for good so we can go out again, hug our loved ones again, and travel again! Who’s with me?!

Join the conversation!!

I would love to know a Covid-year takeaway of yours!! I’m actually talking about it on my insta today, so head over there and join the convo! If you don’t follow me on insta yet, what are you waiting for!! We have fun over there and I would love to have you join our little mama community!! All it takes is 2 seconds! So, click here and hit that follow button now!

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Photo cred: Nicole Carrow Photography

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