You guys! As you know, last weekend for Valentine’s Day, we celebrated with heart-shaped pizzas with the kids, my parents, and my grandparents at my house. It was so fun! Typically, we would have gone out to somewhere fancy on Saturday night to celebrate with just the two of us, but this year we came up with a new plan! We stayed in, cooked dinner TOGETHER {something we never ever do} and put our phones in the kids crayon box far far away!!!!
I think it was the first Saturday night in 5 months that we didn’t go out and let me tell you, it was so nice. But what was even nicer was that we didn’t have our phones to distract us! It was actually a game-changer. And so great conversing without the distraction of instagram and answering calls and texts. It was liberating, to be honest, and if you haven’t done it yet, I highly recommend!
So the no phones aspect of the night was amazing but what’s more, is that we had the best time making dinner with each other! Can you believe this was the first time we’ve ever done this? I make meals all the time for the family, my husband loves to man the grill for summer bbq’s {click HERE for grill hacks straight from the master himself} and we’ve taken couples cooking classes before out, but this was kind of date night IN was new for us! And guess what? We both loved it and want to do it more!!

What did we make for dinner, you ask? The most delicious sausage and peppers you ever did eat!!!! This recipe is one that I’ve been cooking up for years and it comes from my best friends mom! {thanks Lolls and Gail for letting me share with my tribe!!} It is really easy and even easier with a partner to help with the food prep! It’s fool-proof and if you ever have people over, it’s also perfect for a crowd!

Ready for the deliciousness? I won’t make you wait any longer! {please note – there are no mushrooms in the photos because I forgot to buy them!! But typically, I always make this recipe with mushrooms which only adds to it!}

Chicken Sausage and Peppers
- Pyrex 3 Quart Glass Oblong Baking Dish, 8.9 Inch X 13.2 Inch
- Nylon-tipped tongs
- 4 links chicken sausage I get mine from behind the counter at my local Whole Foods. It's the best I've found!!! They have mild or spicy available. I buy mild but you may choose to buy spicy! If you don't have a Whole Foods nearby, I've used Jenny-O Sweet Italian Turkey Sausage and it was a fine alternative.
- 4 large peppers, sliced into strips yellow and orange are my favorite colors to use!
- 8 oz sliced mushrooms I buy them pre-sliced in the box.
- 1/2 sweet onion, sliced into strips
- 1 cup white wine
- 1 tsp chopped garlic
- 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
- In your pyrex, add 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil to the bottom of the dish
- Throw your sliced veggies {peppers, mushrooms, and onions} into your pyrex dish
- Using a very sharp knife, slice your RAW chicken sausage into 4-5 chunks. This is not the easiest and can be messy but try and keep the sausage into medium-sized chunks even if the casing doesn't hold together. Throw the sausage into your dish so they are not touching and wash your hands!
- Add your white wine + garlic into the dish and then with a pair of nylon-tipped tongs, mix everything well! Keep sausage spread out from each other as best you can.
- Top with the last two tbsp of extra virgin olive oil.
- Bake in the oven for 45 min, mixing and turning everything in the dish half-way through.
Also to note – if you ever find yourself at a Whole Foods, but don’t know the next time you want to make this Chicken Sausage and Peppers, buy the sausage there anyways because they freeze SO well! I don’t always go to Whole Foods but when I do, I buy the mild chicken sausage no matter what! I always have them in my freezer as I never know when I’ll get the urge to make them.

If you do make this recipe, tag me on your socials! I’m @danaivy on Instagram and if you don’t follow me there already, please do for all the mom tips + tricks!
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