Today, I’m going to be sharing 10 ideas of what to pack in your kid’s lunches. And guess what?? I’m not just going to write my ideas down, but rather, I am SHOWING them to you! In the form of pictures that I took of my kids’ actual lunches from this past school year and during camp this summer. I’m also sharing the details of the exact brands and foods that are included in their lunches. Hopefully, this will save YOU time when making your own kids lunches in the coming school year!
So you know, at the preschool where Brody and Levi attend, I’m required to pack a kosher lunch with all nut-free and sesame free foods. At first, the kosher part was hard for me because my kids LOVE eating turkey rolled up at home as their main lunch food fair. Alas, we’ve gotten used to the kosher aspect of packing lunches and it’s pretty simple for me to come up with hearty meals that the kids will enjoy and ones that will leave them with satisfied tummies!!
Typically within their packed lunch, I include a main {like a bagel}, a dairy {like string cheese}, a fruit {like blueberries}, maybe a few chips, pirate booty or pretzels, and if my kids are lucky and I’m feeling generous {insert laughing emoji here}, something sweet. Pretty simple, right!!! Check out the lunches below!!

As you can tell, and I maybe should have put a disclaimer out there before showing you my kids’ actual lunches, but I’m not that parent who takes the time to get all creative with their child’s food. I don’t cut sandwiches into stars and watermelon into hearts. I like to pack healthy meals and I do it quickly either the night before or in the morning. As a busy mom, which I know is ALL OF US, I hope you can appreciate that!
Above all else, remember that you know your child best!!! When you’re making your kids’ lunches, you have to give them things that you know they like! I know my kids love all these foods above and I know they’ll eat them! If your child doesn’t fancy flat bagels, adjust as you see fit! That might mean giving him/her a mini bagel or a half of a regular bagel. Or, if he/she doesn’t enjoy bagels at all, pack something else that you know will be gobbled up!! {yes, I just said “gobbled up” LOL}
I might have one more tip for you up my sleeve when it comes to packing your child’s lunch. But, you’re going to have to check out this Instagram post to find out what it is!!! Don’t forget to follow me over there too! My kids start school back up after Labor Day and I will be on the lunch-making train once again! Of course I will continue to post their bento-box lunches on my stories and don’t forget that I have a highlight over there, too!
I will love you forever if you use the pink buttons directly below this post to share it on Pinterest or to send it to a friend! Xo
Hi Dana! Thanks a lot for sharing this useful pack lunch we can copy. I think I’ll bring them to work lunch myself. ha! I can relate with you about cutting sandwiches into stars or getting creative with my kid’s lunches (as I’m always in a hurry ha!) and as a working mom, I don’t think I have much time for creativity hahaha!
love lots |
Hey lady!!! Always in a hurry LOL – and yes!! Bringing a bento box to work is always a great idea too!! Thanks for reading! Xoxox