Recipe: Shrimp Fajita Tostadas // I Adore What I Love Blog // #iadorewhatiloveTaco Tuesday really just means eating anything that falls under the category of Mexican, right? In my mind it does! This recipe came about because while I was at the grocery store last week, I saw tostadas on the shelf and randomly decided to put them in my cart. I’ve never even had a tostada before but they’re basically a gigantic round chip and I loveeeee me some chips in any shape or form!!! They’re obviously not a food I grew up eating {hence probably why I’ve never had one before} but they put a fancy spin on taco night and if you’re into a good crunch + an open face bite to eat, you will go crazy for them! To be honest with you, hard shell tacos are typically not my jam but for some reason, these I could eat around the clock. What’s more is that you can really incorporate whatever is in your fridge or freezer into the recipe. We happened to have cooked & frozen tail-off shrimp just waiting to be used but if you’re house is typically stocked with meat rather than seafood, chicken or steak would work well instead!! And you guys, the end result will BLOW YOU AWAY!!!!! These pretty babies are just as good as they look!!!!

Recipe: Shrimp Fajita Tostadas // I Adore What I Love Blog // #iadorewhatilove

Recipe: Shrimp Fajita Tostadas // I Adore What I Love Blog // #iadorewhatilove

[bctt tweet=”These shrimp fajita tostadas will BLOW YOUR MIND!!!” username=”iadorewhatilove”]

Have you ever had TOSTADAS before?? Curious to know!
Tell me in the comments of this post! 

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