pregnancy announcement photo

Ahhhh I have been so excited to share this news with you! I posted it on insta a few weeks ago so if you follow me over there, you are already aware that come July 2021, we are growing our family!!!!!! And we are absolutely PUMPED about it! I thought I would share all the beautiful pics that my fave photographer, Viviana from VPG Photography, took for us from our reveal. But first, I won’t leave you hanging any longer! We are having a… {watch the video!}

WHAT?! Didn’t see that one coming!

OMG we are having a GIRL!!!! Literally for as long as I’ve known I was pregnant {which hasn’t been THAT long as I’m only 14 weeks right now!} my mom and I have been referring to this babe as he, him, or little boy. And I was more than excited for another boy! Truly!! But alas, hahahaha shows what my mama instincts knew. NOTHING. Clearly. I know 3 boys would have been the cutest thing in the world but I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t beyond excited for a girl to enter our crew! Bring on all the pink, purple, giant bows, and adorable cool girl outfits. I can’t wait to create a FUN girl nursery and plan girly bday parties and take her to ballet class. Ah!!!

The other reason I’m excited for a girl?! When we go on family vacations, and the boys head out to watch sports games together, my little lady and I can go shopping! Obviously! At least that’s how it went in my household growing up with a brother. Ha!

To be honest, I’m not sure it will sink in that I’m really having a girl until she is actually here and has entered the world. I, without question, thought I was bound to be a boy mom forever – and I was crazy happy about it! Truly. I mean, the whole pregnancy process is mind-blowing to me and such a miracle. So many things have to go right for a baby to be born. So, this time around, I really didn’t care about the gender at all. But having a girl after two boys will be the best and I wholeheartedly cannot wait for her to join our wild and crazy family. Maybe she’ll even bring some calm to it!! A mama can wish, right!?

I recently had a realization!

Ok, so as for our reveal, I hired Viviana to take pics of it because recently, it hit me that we don’t have nearly enough professional photos of our family. Moving forward in 2021 and beyond, I will be making much more of a conscious effort for our family to take professional photos together way more often. Yes, I am going to be that mom who hires a photographer for allllll the special celebrations and I also hope to take family photos at least twice a year. Because time flies by and before you know it, your babies are toddlers and then your toddlers are kids and then your kids are teens and well… time is the devil. {insert crying emoji here!!} I don’t want these years to pass us by and photos are the best way to capture the kids little faces and freeze them in time.

This was a first for us!!

We have never done a “reveal” prior but already having two kids, who when they found out they were getting a sibling could not be more excited, I decided a reveal was a necessity! And an intimate one at that. The only people who were there were our family of 4 {of course}, my parents, my kids’ babysitter, and the photographer. It’s all about making memories and I knew this one would be a memory to last a lifetime! So without further ado, take a look at my favorite photos from that very special day! PS I loved almost every pic Viviana took. It was impossible to cut them down!!!

its a girl

And there ya have it, folks!!!!!

Isaiah and I are having a daughter and Brody and Levi are getting a little sis!!! I know they are going to be the best best big brothers in the whole entire world and I can’t wait to see them with her come July and beyond. I know they are going to love her, protect her, and be there for her their whole entire lives!

Oh! And by the way, currently I don’t even exist as it’s all about the baby! They both ask me 900 times a day how the baby is, what she’s up too {LOL}, and they kiss my belly and tell it “I love you baby” all day long. I wake up in the morning and the first thing Brody asks is “how did my cute baby sister sleep last night?!” I mean, to say that I melt from them is an understatment!!!!!!!! Couldn’t make this up if I tried! They are the sweetest bros already!!

In case you’re wondering…

If you’re wondering where to find those powder confetti cannons, buy them here. Luckily, I bought 3 different brands because as you saw in the video, the first one did not work for me!! I literally couldn’t turn the bottom! And then we did it again with another brand and that didn’t work for me nor Isaiah!! I was feeling defeated {and really freaking weak lol} until we tried it again and we both got ours to work perfectly, in sync. So that’s the brand I linked for you!

To shop my fun sequin drop-waist dress, click here! Shhhh, I actually bought it way before I even knew it was pregnant but then decided this was the perfect occasion to wear it! It’s kind of the best dress ever and very forgiving for any body type =)

PS: the boys are wearing sweatshirts I had made literally the day of the reveal {so me!!} Brody’s sweatshirt is too small but there was no time to fix that mistake in time, haha. And the cake is from Nothing Bundt Cake which is my fave of all fave!!! They have the BEST gluten-free chocolate chip cake ever! Yummmm.

Do you follow me on Insta yet?

If you don’t follow me on insta, you must!! We have fun over there and I would love to have you join our little mama community!! All it takes is 2 seconds! So, click here and hit that follow button now!

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And last order of business, but not least: will you pleaseeee also PIN this post using the pink buttons below to save for later!!! Future baby reveal inspo, perhaps?! Xox

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